Upcycled Food Association


Becoming a member of the Upcycled Food Association puts you at the center of the booming global upcycled food movement.

The Upcycled Food Association is the first and only industry association dedicated to catalyzing the global upcycled food economy. We bring together a diverse community of industry leaders, entrepreneurs, universities, students and nonprofits to transform otherwise wasted food ingredients into high-quality, nutritious products that have a positive impact on the environment. Together, we identify the most impactful upcycling solutions, mobilize resources, and empower stakeholders in making upcycled foods accessible and desirable to consumers.

Membership Types

Explore our different membership types to find the best fit for you.

Choose your membership

Annual dues USD



*$50 student membership available here


Annual dues USD


Business (Supporter)

Annual revenue under $5M USD*

*Ask about our startup discount for under $1M

Annual dues USD


Business (Advocate)

Annual revenue over $5M USD*

*Champion membership available for enhanced benefits

Annual dues USD



*Also available for Academic Institutions

Join these global UFA members and more

Explore UFA membership types

Supporter Member

Supporter Membership is perfect for companies who wish to develop, offer or support upcycled food products and ingredients.

Supporter Membership directly connects you to the burgeoning upcycling community and gives you access to critical brand-building tools and information to accelerate your company’s growth. Members also receive special discounts to industry trade shows and from member peer special offers.


  • ENGAGE IN THE COMMUNITY: Attend in-person and virtual events to connect and network with top executives and global leaders from 200+ upcycling companies.

  • GET NOTICED: Grow exposure for your company through UFA newsletters, member directory, member highlights, brand-building tools, media and press opportunities.

  • UPCYCLED FOOD MONTH: Access discounted sponsorship to help raise the volume of upcycling each  June.  

  • DRIVE SALES AT TRADE SHOWS: Promote your offerings and connect with buyers at industry trade shows and receive up to 60% off trade show badges.

  • BE IN THE KNOW: Be the first to receive exclusive policy briefs, upcycled food research and industry news.

  • ACCESS EXPERTISE: Get guidance from industry experts through our free multidisciplinary advisory program.

  • BE A LEADER: Serve on UFA committees or join the Board of Directors to vote in UFA matters.

Supporter Membership Dues are an annual fee of $1,000 USD for companies with less than $5 million USD Gross Annual Sales.

Supporter Member applicants with Gross Annual Sales of less than $1 million USD could be eligible for a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion discount of 50% reduction in annual dues. Contact us to inquire: membership@upcycledfood.org

Advocate Member

Advocate Membership welcomes companies who wish to develop, offer or support upcycled products and ingredients. 

Advocate Membership directly connects you to the burgeoning upcycling community and gives you access to critical brand-building tools and information to accelerate your company’s growth. Members also receive special discounts to industry trade shows and from member peer special offers.


  • ENGAGE IN THE COMMUNITY: Attend in-person and virtual events to connect and network with top executives and global leaders from 200+ upcycling companies.

  • GET NOTICED: Grow exposure for your company through UFA newsletters, member directory, member highlights, brand-building tools, media and press opportunities.

  • UPCYCLED FOOD MONTH: Access discounted sponsorship to help raise the volume of upcycling each  June.  

  • DRIVE SALES AT TRADE SHOWS: Promote your offerings and connect with buyers at industry trade shows and receive up to 60% off trade show badges.

  • BE IN THE KNOW: Be the first to receive exclusive policy briefs, upcycled food research and industry news.

  • ACCESS EXPERTISE: Get guidance from industry experts through our free multidisciplinary advisory program.

  • BE A LEADER: Serve on UFA committees or join the Board of Directors to vote in UFA matters.

Advocate Membership Dues are $2,500 USD annually for companies with Gross Annual Sales of more than $5 million USD.

Champion Membership with UFA partnership opportunities also available.

Champion Member

Champion Membership is for companies who wish to develop, offer or support upcycled products and ingredients and directly partner with UFA to celebrate their leadership helping to build the upcycled economy!

Champion Membership connects you to the burgeoning upcycling community and gives you access to critical brand-building tools and information to accelerate your company’s growth. Members also receive special discounts to industry trade shows and from member peer special offers.


  • DEDICATED EVENT SPONSORSHIP: Match with an event (based on available offerings) to showcase your upcycling leadership through event production as well as social, web and email promotion with follow up content available on demand on UFA's website.

  • SHARE YOUR PERSPECTIVE: Panelist or speaking opportunity (based on available offerings) ranging from webinars, conferences and in-person events.

  • ENGAGE IN THE COMMUNITY: Attend in-person and virtual events to connect and network with top executives and global leaders from 200+ upcycling companies.

  • GET NOTICED: Grow exposure for your company through UFA newsletters, member directory, champion spotlights, brand-building tools, media and press opportunities.

  • UPCYCLED FOOD MONTH: Access discounted sponsorship to help raise the volume of upcycling each  June.  

  • DRIVE SALES AT TRADE SHOWS: Promote your offerings and connect with buyers at industry trade shows and receive up to 60% off trade show badges.

  • BE IN THE KNOW: Be the first to receive exclusive policy briefs, upcycled food research and industry news.

  • ACCESS EXPERTISE: Get guidance from industry experts through our free multidisciplinary advisory program.

  • BE A LEADER: Serve on UFA committees or join the Board of Directors to vote in UFA matters.

Champion Membership Dues are $7,500 USD annually.

Nonprofit Member

The Nonprofit Membership is perfect for organizations working in the areas of food waste reduction and food systems sustainability.

Eligible Organizations

  • Any nonprofit entity who is interested in supporting and engaging with the upcycled movement.


  • ENGAGE IN THE COMMUNITY: Attend in-person and virtual events to connect and network with top executives and global leaders from 200+ upcycling companies. 

  • DRIVE CHANGE: Collaborate with thought leaders and researchers working towards positive change in areas such as environmental sustainability, regenerative agriculture, food security, and  local and sustainable food systems.

  • BE IN THE KNOW: Be the first to receive exclusive policy briefs, upcycled food research and industry news. 

  • GET NOTICED: Grow exposure for your organization through UFA brand-building tools, media and press opportunities.

  • BE A LEADER: Serve on UFA committees or join the Board of Directors to vote in UFA matters.

Nonprofit Membership Dues are $500 USD annually.

Individual Member

The Individual Membership is perfect for independent researchers and consultants, members of the media, and curious consumers looking for more information about upcycled food.

Eligible Individuals

  • Anyone who is a sole proprietor and/or not affiliated with a company who is interested in supporting and engaging with the upcycled movement.


  • ENGAGE IN THE COMMUNITY: Attend in-person and virtual events to connect and network with top executives and global leaders from 200+ upcycling companies.  

  • BE IN THE KNOW: Be the first to receive exclusive policy briefs, upcycled food research and industry news. 

  • BE A LEADER: Serve on UFA committees or join the Board of Directors to vote in UFA matters.

Individual Membership Dues are $100 USD annually.

Student Member

The Student Membership is perfect for current students looking for more information about upcycled food.

Eligible Students

  • Anyone who is  currently enrolled in an academic institution and that is not affiliated with a company who is interested in supporting and engaging with the upcycled movement.


  • ENGAGE IN THE COMMUNITY: Attend in-person and virtual events to connect and network with top executives and global leaders from 200+ upcycling companies.  

  • BE IN THE KNOW: Be the first to receive exclusive policy briefs, upcycled food research and industry news.

Student Membership Dues are $50 USD annually.

*If you are looking to receive UFA benefits for your university or educational institution, please check out our Nonprofit Membership.

Get to know UFA Members!

Hear what our members have to say!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

“Upcycling is at the heart of everything we do at The Upcycled Beauty Company. Every single cosmetic ingredient we develop is made from various plant-based leftovers and that includes by-products of the food industry. Given our shared mission to make better use of the existing resources we have around us (food ‘waste’), joining the UFA was a no-brainer. We are excited to be able to play a part in building the next generation of sustainable food, as well as driving awareness of upcycling in the beauty industry.” 

— Harry Mcllwraith

“We have definitely had success as part of the UFA community and have really enjoyed being a part of such a strong and supportive group of brands and entrepreneurs. We are truly stronger together in our work to make a difference and reduce food waste, and being a part of UFA events is a big part of getting that message and education out there. UFA events have helped us connect with other like-minded companies for collaborations and partnerships and expanded distribution opportunities around the US. We love collaborating with other upcycled-focused companies!” 

— Brittani Wert

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

“UFA has provided a collective resource to unify brands and tackle the challenging hurdle of upcycled foods, consumer education and trust. As an insights, strategy, R&D, and innovation firm it is important to be involved with shaping the future of food and consumer perceptions of new trends.”

— Maddison Gurrola

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